Mobile Odin
Mobile ODIN is the on-device firmware flasher of choice. Just throw those firmware files on your (internal or external) SD card, start Mobile ODIN and flash away.
! Your device must be rooted to be able to use Mobile ODIN. Check the list below to see if your device is supported !
If you use the EverRoot option (Market/Pro version only), Mobile ODIN will root the firmware while you flash it. Checking out that new leaked firmware? No reason to lose root!
All partitions are supported, as are loose files, .tar files and .tar.md5 files. Mobile ODIN will even check the MD5 signatures before flashing. While in theory Mobile ODIN can repartition and flash EFS and bootloaders, it will cowardly refuse to do so, for your own safety.
Currently supported devices:
- Samsung Galaxy S GT-I9000
- Samsung Galaxy S GT-I9000B
- Samsung Galaxy S GT-I9000M
- Samsung Galaxy S GT-I9003
- Samsung Galaxy S GT-I9003L
- Rogers Captivate SGH-I896
- AT&T Captivate SGH-I897
- Samsung Galaxy S2 GT-I9100
- Samsung Galaxy S2 GT-I9100T
- Samsung Galaxy S2 GT-I9100G
- Samsung Galaxy S2 GT-I9100M
- Samsung Galaxy S2 SHW-M250S
- Samsung Galaxy S2 SHW-M250K
- Samsung Galaxy S2 SC-02C
- AT&T Galaxy S2 SGH-I777
- Sprint/Virgin/Boost Epic 4G Touch SPH-D710/VMUB/BST
- USCC Galaxy S2 SCH-R760
- Samsung Galaxy S3 GT-I9300
- Samsung Galaxy S3 GT-I9300T
- Samsung Galaxy S3 GT-I9308
- AT&T Galaxy S3 SGH-I747
- Canadia Galaxy S3 SGH-I747M
- TMOUS Galaxy S3 SGH-T999
- Sprint Galaxy S3 SPH-L710
- VZW Galaxy S3 SCH-I535 (unlock bootloader !)
- USCC/Cricket/MetroPCS Galaxy S3 SCH-R530/U/M/C
- Samsung Galaxy S3 LTE SHV-E210S
- Samsung Galaxy S3 LTE GT-I9305
- Samsung Galaxy S3 LTE GT-I9305T
- Samsung Galaxy S3 LTE GT-I9305N
- Samsung Galaxy S4 LTE GT-I9505
- Sprint Galaxy S4 SPH-L720
- T-Mobile Galaxy S4 SGH-M919
- US Cellular Galaxy S4 SCH-R970
- Canadia Galaxy S4 SGH-I337M
- Samsung Galaxy S5 International SM-G900F
- Samsung Galaxy S5 Oceania SM-G900I
- Samsung Galaxy S5 Korea SM-G900L
- Samsung Galaxy S5 Middle and South America SM-G900M
- Sprint Galaxy S5 SM-G900P
- US Cellular Galaxy S5 SM-G900R4
- T-Mobile US Galaxy S5 SM-G900T
- Metro PCS Galaxy S5 SM-G900T1
- Canadia Galaxy S5 SM-G900W8
- Google Galaxy Nexus (GSM) Maguro/Yakju/GT-I9250
- Google Galaxy Nexus (CDMA/LTE) Toro/Mysid/SCH-I515 (no cdma radio flashing)
- Samsung Galaxy Note GT-N7000
- Samsung Galaxy Note GT-I9220
- Samsung Galaxy Note GT-N7000B
- Samsung Galaxy Note 2 GT-N7100
- Samsung Galaxy Note 2 LTE GT-N7105
- AT&T/Canadia Galaxy Note 2 SGH-I317/M
- TMOUS Galaxy Note 2 SGH-T889
- Sprint Galaxy Note 2 SPH-L900
- VZW Galaxy Note 2 SCH-I605 (unlock bootloader !)
- USCC Galaxy Note 2 SCH-R950
- Samsung Galaxy Note 3 SM-N9005
- Sprint Galaxy Note 3 SM-N900P
- T-Mobile Galaxy Note 3 SM-N900T
- US Cellular Galaxy Note 3 SM-N900R4
- Canadia Galaxy Note 3 SM-N900W8
- Samsung Galaxy Note 8.0" GT-N5100
- Samsung Galaxy Note 8.0" Wi-Fi GT-N5110/N5113
- Samsung Galaxy Note 8.0" LTE GT-N5120
- Samsung Galaxy Note 10.1" GT-N8000
- Samsung Galaxy Note 10.1" Wi-Fi GT-N8010/N8013
- Samsung Galaxy Note 10.1" LTE GT-N8020
- Samsung Galaxy Tab 7" GT-P1000
- Samsung Galaxy Tab 7.0 Plus GT-P6200
- Samsung Galaxy Tab 7.0 Plus Wi-Fi GT-P6210
- Samsung Galaxy Tab 7.0 Plus GT-P6200L
- Samsung Galaxy Tab 7.7" GT-P6800
- Samsung Galaxy Tab 7.7" Wi-Fi GT-P6810
- Samsung Galaxy Tab 10.1" GT-P7500
- Samsung Galaxy Tab 10.1" Wi-Fi GT-P7510
- Samsung Galaxy Tab 2 7" GT-P3100
- Samsung Galaxy Tab 2 7" Wi-Fi GT-P3110/P3113
- Samsung Galaxy Tab 2 10" GT-P5100
- Samsung Galaxy Tab 2 10" Wi-Fi GT-P5110/P5113
- Samsung Galaxy 5 GT-I5500
- Samsung Galaxy 5 GT-I5500B
- Samsung Galaxy 5 GT-I5500L
- Samsung Galaxy 5 GT-I5500T
- Samsung Galaxy 5 GT-I5500M
- Samsung Galaxy 5 GT-I5503
- Samsung Galaxy 5 GT-I5503T
- Samsung Galaxy 5 GT-I5508
More devices to come!
Flashing with Mobile ODIN does NOT increase your custom kernel flash counter or make the yellow warning triangle appear.
Aside from my own CF-Root-based flashkernels, Mobile ODIN also uses (with permission) flashkernels built by these users:
- Codeworkx (I777, D710)
- Skin1980 (I9003)
- Kyuta Syoko (I896, I897)
- Psyke83 (I5500)
Also many thanks to the various testers!
Mobile ODIN Pro - Android Market / Google Play
Attached is the Lite version of Mobile ODIN - this is a release exclusive to XDA and may not be redistributed ! Please note that you also need to download and install a "FlashKernel" manually if you are using the Lite version. These are listed a few posts down from here. The Proversion will automatically download and install these for you when needed.
( < 4.20: 382029 )
Attached Thumbnails

! Your device must be rooted to be able to use Mobile ODIN. Check the list below to see if your device is supported !
If you use the EverRoot option (Market/Pro version only), Mobile ODIN will root the firmware while you flash it. Checking out that new leaked firmware? No reason to lose root!
All partitions are supported, as are loose files, .tar files and .tar.md5 files. Mobile ODIN will even check the MD5 signatures before flashing. While in theory Mobile ODIN can repartition and flash EFS and bootloaders, it will cowardly refuse to do so, for your own safety.
Currently supported devices:
- Samsung Galaxy S GT-I9000
- Samsung Galaxy S GT-I9000B
- Samsung Galaxy S GT-I9000M
- Samsung Galaxy S GT-I9003
- Samsung Galaxy S GT-I9003L
- Rogers Captivate SGH-I896
- AT&T Captivate SGH-I897
- Samsung Galaxy S2 GT-I9100
- Samsung Galaxy S2 GT-I9100T
- Samsung Galaxy S2 GT-I9100G
- Samsung Galaxy S2 GT-I9100M
- Samsung Galaxy S2 SHW-M250S
- Samsung Galaxy S2 SHW-M250K
- Samsung Galaxy S2 SC-02C
- AT&T Galaxy S2 SGH-I777
- Sprint/Virgin/Boost Epic 4G Touch SPH-D710/VMUB/BST
- USCC Galaxy S2 SCH-R760
- Samsung Galaxy S3 GT-I9300
- Samsung Galaxy S3 GT-I9300T
- Samsung Galaxy S3 GT-I9308
- AT&T Galaxy S3 SGH-I747
- Canadia Galaxy S3 SGH-I747M
- TMOUS Galaxy S3 SGH-T999
- Sprint Galaxy S3 SPH-L710
- VZW Galaxy S3 SCH-I535 (unlock bootloader !)
- USCC/Cricket/MetroPCS Galaxy S3 SCH-R530/U/M/C
- Samsung Galaxy S3 LTE SHV-E210S
- Samsung Galaxy S3 LTE GT-I9305
- Samsung Galaxy S3 LTE GT-I9305T
- Samsung Galaxy S3 LTE GT-I9305N
- Samsung Galaxy S4 LTE GT-I9505
- Sprint Galaxy S4 SPH-L720
- T-Mobile Galaxy S4 SGH-M919
- US Cellular Galaxy S4 SCH-R970
- Canadia Galaxy S4 SGH-I337M
- Samsung Galaxy S5 International SM-G900F
- Samsung Galaxy S5 Oceania SM-G900I
- Samsung Galaxy S5 Korea SM-G900L
- Samsung Galaxy S5 Middle and South America SM-G900M
- Sprint Galaxy S5 SM-G900P
- US Cellular Galaxy S5 SM-G900R4
- T-Mobile US Galaxy S5 SM-G900T
- Metro PCS Galaxy S5 SM-G900T1
- Canadia Galaxy S5 SM-G900W8
- Google Galaxy Nexus (GSM) Maguro/Yakju/GT-I9250
- Google Galaxy Nexus (CDMA/LTE) Toro/Mysid/SCH-I515 (no cdma radio flashing)
- Samsung Galaxy Note GT-N7000
- Samsung Galaxy Note GT-I9220
- Samsung Galaxy Note GT-N7000B
- Samsung Galaxy Note 2 GT-N7100
- Samsung Galaxy Note 2 LTE GT-N7105
- AT&T/Canadia Galaxy Note 2 SGH-I317/M
- TMOUS Galaxy Note 2 SGH-T889
- Sprint Galaxy Note 2 SPH-L900
- VZW Galaxy Note 2 SCH-I605 (unlock bootloader !)
- USCC Galaxy Note 2 SCH-R950
- Samsung Galaxy Note 3 SM-N9005
- Sprint Galaxy Note 3 SM-N900P
- T-Mobile Galaxy Note 3 SM-N900T
- US Cellular Galaxy Note 3 SM-N900R4
- Canadia Galaxy Note 3 SM-N900W8
- Samsung Galaxy Note 8.0" GT-N5100
- Samsung Galaxy Note 8.0" Wi-Fi GT-N5110/N5113
- Samsung Galaxy Note 8.0" LTE GT-N5120
- Samsung Galaxy Note 10.1" GT-N8000
- Samsung Galaxy Note 10.1" Wi-Fi GT-N8010/N8013
- Samsung Galaxy Note 10.1" LTE GT-N8020
- Samsung Galaxy Tab 7" GT-P1000
- Samsung Galaxy Tab 7.0 Plus GT-P6200
- Samsung Galaxy Tab 7.0 Plus Wi-Fi GT-P6210
- Samsung Galaxy Tab 7.0 Plus GT-P6200L
- Samsung Galaxy Tab 7.7" GT-P6800
- Samsung Galaxy Tab 7.7" Wi-Fi GT-P6810
- Samsung Galaxy Tab 10.1" GT-P7500
- Samsung Galaxy Tab 10.1" Wi-Fi GT-P7510
- Samsung Galaxy Tab 2 7" GT-P3100
- Samsung Galaxy Tab 2 7" Wi-Fi GT-P3110/P3113
- Samsung Galaxy Tab 2 10" GT-P5100
- Samsung Galaxy Tab 2 10" Wi-Fi GT-P5110/P5113
- Samsung Galaxy 5 GT-I5500
- Samsung Galaxy 5 GT-I5500B
- Samsung Galaxy 5 GT-I5500L
- Samsung Galaxy 5 GT-I5500T
- Samsung Galaxy 5 GT-I5500M
- Samsung Galaxy 5 GT-I5503
- Samsung Galaxy 5 GT-I5503T
- Samsung Galaxy 5 GT-I5508
More devices to come!
Flashing with Mobile ODIN does NOT increase your custom kernel flash counter or make the yellow warning triangle appear.
Aside from my own CF-Root-based flashkernels, Mobile ODIN also uses (with permission) flashkernels built by these users:
- Codeworkx (I777, D710)
- Skin1980 (I9003)
- Kyuta Syoko (I896, I897)
- Psyke83 (I5500)
Also many thanks to the various testers!
Mobile ODIN Pro - Android Market / Google Play
Attached is the Lite version of Mobile ODIN - this is a release exclusive to XDA and may not be redistributed ! Please note that you also need to download and install a "FlashKernel" manually if you are using the Lite version. These are listed a few posts down from here. The Proversion will automatically download and install these for you when needed.
( < 4.20: 382029 )
Attached Thumbnails
Attached Files
MobileODINLite-v4.20.apk - [Click for QR Code] (2.77 MB, 371812 views)
2011-11-15, 5:45PM
OP Senior Moderator / Senior Recognized Developer - Where is my shirt?
Thanks: 77,014
Flashing with Mobile ODIN is easy. You start off by starting the app. The app will check your system has everything the app needs to continue (like root). The Pro version will download additional packages if needed automatically - so it is advised to have Wi-Fi available - for the Lite version you need to install the right package manually (see the FlashKernels posts a few posts down).
Now you should see the main Mobile ODIN screen. It will list a set of partitions. Clicking a partition will allow you to select a file from your SD card to flash to that partition. Do not worry about selecting the wrong file - Mobile ODIN will not let you. Separate files (named after the partition) as well as .tar and .tar.md5 files are supported. Specific .exe files (Odin3Excutor one-click packages) are also supported.
From the desktop ODIN you may be used to "PDA", "PHONE", and "CSC" buttons. All three of these buttons have been replaced by the "Open file ..." button. This button will open the file you select from the SD card, and find all the partitions it can flash inside that file. So if you select a .tar file containing kernel and modem, the Kernel and Modem partitions will be set up to use that .tar file for flashing. To get the same result as desktop ODIN, use Open file... on .tar files for PDA, PHONE and CSC, in that order.
Now that we have selected what we want to flash, if you have the Pro version you can proceed to the EverRoot section. The EverRoot options allows you to root your firmware while it is being flashed. Never again will you be without root! Select here which apps you want to inject in the firmware that is being flashed.
Now that we are all done selecting partitions and configuring EverRoot, we continue to "Flash firmware". Mobile ODIN will gather all the information it needs and perform the flash. Before starting, however, it will check that your battery level is over 50%, and if applicable offer to verify MD5 checksums on the files you have selected to flash. If all is well, it will reboot into recovery mode, and flash the firmware you have selected.
You can also enable the wipe option. This will wipe both data and cache partition. BEWARE: If you have a device that shares the same space between data and internal sdcard partitions, enabling the wipe option may also wipe the internal sdcard !
2011-11-15, 5:45PM
OP Senior Moderator / Senior Recognized Developer - Where is my shirt?
Thanks: 77,014
OTA / Update ZIP files
Mobile ODIN Pro v3.25 and newer have the ability to flash official OTA ZIPs as well as Update ("CWM") ZIPs (on a technical level, they're the same thing) on most devices that Mobile ODIN has support for, but not all. The new-ish devices are all supported, though.
Mobile ODIN tries to detect if a flashable ZIP will attempt to format one of the partitions, and in light of the known issues (hard-bricking) this may cause on some devices, it will warn you of this fact.
Update ZIPs
Support for this means you can flash complete custom ROMs, or simple updates (like SuperSU's distribution ZIP file). This doesn't automatically mean all Update ZIPs are compatible. The environment in Mobile ODIN's temporary recovery is slightly different from CWM or TWRP, this can cause problems in some cases.
This functionality was built with official OTA update ZIPs in mind, and specifically to make it easier to flash them. Mobile ODIN performs many checks and can automatically patch the OTA before flashing to get around a number of issues.
Mobile ODIN will attempt to detect if the OTA wants to flash kernels, recoveries, and modems, and if so will compare the signatures to your currently installed kernel, recovery, and modem. Should the comparison fail, it will offer you the choice to disable the check and the patch inside the OTA. This will allow you to flash the OTA without switching away from your current custom kernel or switching to whichever modem the OTA expects. Of course, if you have selected a kernel, recovery, or modem to flash, it will compare against the selected image instead of the currently installed one.
Mobile ODIN will also compare the OTA's fingerprint checks against the current system fingerprint. If the fingerprint does not match, Mobile ODIN will offer you the choice to disable the check inside the OTA. If you have selected a system image to flash, it will try to find out the image's fingerprint instead. It is not generally recommend to patch out the fingerprint, but sometimes it is needed.
It will also go through all the file signature checks inside the OTA, and compare to the current system files. If files are found to differ Mobile ODIN will offer you the choice to disable the checks and patches inside the OTA. When you have the wrong CSC flashed, it is common for a small number of files (30 or so) to differ. These files usually don't really matter for the firmware's operation. Note that this check will not be performed if you have selected a system image to flash - all files must match signatures in that case, or the OTA will fail.
Altogether, this makes Mobile ODIN the easiest way to flash OTAs, as your setup does not need to be absolutely perfect for it to work. Having most of the correct base ROM installed is usually enough!
Important note: While it is certainly possible to flash a lot of partitions (for example a full stock ROM) together with an OTA in one go, this will usually not work. The Cache / CSC partition usually needs an additional reboot to install additional files, but with Mobile ODIN this will only happen after the OTA is installed. The OTA will thus fail because some files are not correct, and the file check mentioned above does not work when you are also flashing the system partition. As such, the advised method is to first flash the full stock ROM (and use EverRoot to inject SuperSU and Mobile ODIN), then after booting up using Mobile ODIN to flash the OTA. I am working on additional code to make this possible in a single go, but it is a few versions away.
2011-11-15, 5:45PM
Similar Threads
[DEV]How to compile TWRP touch recovery
* ViPER|Audio || ViPER|Atmos || ViPER|DD+ 4.8/5.5 * Driver * Stock * Sony * Beats *
[APP] Official ViPER4Android Audio Effects (FX v2.4.0.1) - Support Android 6.0!
[Android 2.1+][03.10.2011][v3.2] Chainfire3D [ROOT][OpenGL ES 2.0+]
[2014.05.01][ROOT] Mobile ODIN v4.20
OP Senior Moderator / Senior Recognized Developer - Where is my shirt?
Thanks: 77,014
Getting your device supported
The list of devices currently supported by Mobile ODIN is rather short. Not all devices are created equal, and devices need some work to be supported. Currently I am only considering Samsung devices for future support.
At the minimum, I will need some information from you about your device to figure out the partitions, their layout, and how to flash them. You can gather this information by downloading and installing the app. If your device is not supported, it will offer to make a dump file for you. This will take a while. Post the dump file in this thread.
If you can find a .PIT or .OPS file for your device, please attach it !
If the device has an integrated kernel+recovery, an image running CWM5 or 6 is welcome. If separate kernel and recovery partitions are used, I generally need an original recovery.img
If you are lucky, this will allow me to make your device compatible. It may be required that you do some rather lengthy and extensive testing for me.
Force device detection (v3.80 and newer)
For compatibility testing, it is possible to force Mobile ODIN to detect your device as a different device, by executing the following command in adb shell:
Code:am start -a android.intent.action.MAIN -n eu.chainfire.mobileodin.VERSION/eu.chainfire.mobileodin.core.MainActivity --es forcemodel MODEL
Where VERSION is either lite or pro (depending on what you have installed), and MODEL is the device model identifier.
For example, if I were using Mobile ODIN Pro and wanted my device to be detected as an internationalNote 3 (SM-N9005):
Code:am start -a android.intent.action.MAIN -n --es forcemodel SM-N9005
Note that this is dangerous and you should know what you are doing before attempting this. You might brick your device.
Before reporting success, please make sure you succeeded in flashing an entire stock ROM, including modems!
2011-11-15, 5:45PM
OP Senior Moderator / Senior Recognized Developer - Where is my shirt?
Thanks: 77,014
N9005: Samsung Galaxy Note3 LTE SM-N9005: v5 for 4.3, v7 for 4.4
N900P: Sprint Galaxy Note3 SM-N900P: v6 for 4.3, v7 for 4.4
N900T: T-Mobile Galaxy Note3 SM-N900T: v6 for 4.3, v7 for 4.4
N900R4: US Cellular Galaxy Note3 SM-N900R4: v6 for 4.3, v7 for 4.4
N900W8: Canadia Galaxy Note3 SM-N900W8: v6 for 4.3,v7 for 4.4
Attached Files - [Click for QR Code] (11.89 MB, 4914 views) - [Click for QR Code] (11.91 MB, 5477 views) - [Click for QR Code] (12.35 MB, 1031 views) - [Click for QR Code] (12.35 MB, 1535 views) - [Click for QR Code] (12.37 MB, 757 views) - [Click for QR Code] (12.35 MB, 1598 views)
2011-11-15, 5:45PM
OP Senior Moderator / Senior Recognized Developer - Where is my shirt?
Thanks: 77,014
Flashing with Mobile ODIN is easy. You start off by starting the app. The app will check your system has everything the app needs to continue (like root). The Pro version will download additional packages if needed automatically - so it is advised to have Wi-Fi available - for the Lite version you need to install the right package manually (see the FlashKernels posts a few posts down).
Now you should see the main Mobile ODIN screen. It will list a set of partitions. Clicking a partition will allow you to select a file from your SD card to flash to that partition. Do not worry about selecting the wrong file - Mobile ODIN will not let you. Separate files (named after the partition) as well as .tar and .tar.md5 files are supported. Specific .exe files (Odin3Excutor one-click packages) are also supported.
From the desktop ODIN you may be used to "PDA", "PHONE", and "CSC" buttons. All three of these buttons have been replaced by the "Open file ..." button. This button will open the file you select from the SD card, and find all the partitions it can flash inside that file. So if you select a .tar file containing kernel and modem, the Kernel and Modem partitions will be set up to use that .tar file for flashing. To get the same result as desktop ODIN, use Open file... on .tar files for PDA, PHONE and CSC, in that order.
Now that we have selected what we want to flash, if you have the Pro version you can proceed to the EverRoot section. The EverRoot options allows you to root your firmware while it is being flashed. Never again will you be without root! Select here which apps you want to inject in the firmware that is being flashed.
Now that we are all done selecting partitions and configuring EverRoot, we continue to "Flash firmware". Mobile ODIN will gather all the information it needs and perform the flash. Before starting, however, it will check that your battery level is over 50%, and if applicable offer to verify MD5 checksums on the files you have selected to flash. If all is well, it will reboot into recovery mode, and flash the firmware you have selected.
You can also enable the wipe option. This will wipe both data and cache partition. BEWARE: If you have a device that shares the same space between data and internal sdcard partitions, enabling the wipe option may also wipe the internal sdcard !
2011-11-15, 5:45PM
OP Senior Moderator / Senior Recognized Developer - Where is my shirt?
Thanks: 77,014
OTA / Update ZIP files
Mobile ODIN Pro v3.25 and newer have the ability to flash official OTA ZIPs as well as Update ("CWM") ZIPs (on a technical level, they're the same thing) on most devices that Mobile ODIN has support for, but not all. The new-ish devices are all supported, though.
Mobile ODIN tries to detect if a flashable ZIP will attempt to format one of the partitions, and in light of the known issues (hard-bricking) this may cause on some devices, it will warn you of this fact.
Update ZIPs
Support for this means you can flash complete custom ROMs, or simple updates (like SuperSU's distribution ZIP file). This doesn't automatically mean all Update ZIPs are compatible. The environment in Mobile ODIN's temporary recovery is slightly different from CWM or TWRP, this can cause problems in some cases.
This functionality was built with official OTA update ZIPs in mind, and specifically to make it easier to flash them. Mobile ODIN performs many checks and can automatically patch the OTA before flashing to get around a number of issues.
Mobile ODIN will attempt to detect if the OTA wants to flash kernels, recoveries, and modems, and if so will compare the signatures to your currently installed kernel, recovery, and modem. Should the comparison fail, it will offer you the choice to disable the check and the patch inside the OTA. This will allow you to flash the OTA without switching away from your current custom kernel or switching to whichever modem the OTA expects. Of course, if you have selected a kernel, recovery, or modem to flash, it will compare against the selected image instead of the currently installed one.
Mobile ODIN will also compare the OTA's fingerprint checks against the current system fingerprint. If the fingerprint does not match, Mobile ODIN will offer you the choice to disable the check inside the OTA. If you have selected a system image to flash, it will try to find out the image's fingerprint instead. It is not generally recommend to patch out the fingerprint, but sometimes it is needed.
It will also go through all the file signature checks inside the OTA, and compare to the current system files. If files are found to differ Mobile ODIN will offer you the choice to disable the checks and patches inside the OTA. When you have the wrong CSC flashed, it is common for a small number of files (30 or so) to differ. These files usually don't really matter for the firmware's operation. Note that this check will not be performed if you have selected a system image to flash - all files must match signatures in that case, or the OTA will fail.
Altogether, this makes Mobile ODIN the easiest way to flash OTAs, as your setup does not need to be absolutely perfect for it to work. Having most of the correct base ROM installed is usually enough!
Important note: While it is certainly possible to flash a lot of partitions (for example a full stock ROM) together with an OTA in one go, this will usually not work. The Cache / CSC partition usually needs an additional reboot to install additional files, but with Mobile ODIN this will only happen after the OTA is installed. The OTA will thus fail because some files are not correct, and the file check mentioned above does not work when you are also flashing the system partition. As such, the advised method is to first flash the full stock ROM (and use EverRoot to inject SuperSU and Mobile ODIN), then after booting up using Mobile ODIN to flash the OTA. I am working on additional code to make this possible in a single go, but it is a few versions away.
2011-11-15, 5:45PM
Similar Threads
[DEV]How to compile TWRP touch recovery
* ViPER|Audio || ViPER|Atmos || ViPER|DD+ 4.8/5.5 * Driver * Stock * Sony * Beats *
[APP] Official ViPER4Android Audio Effects (FX v2.4.0.1) - Support Android 6.0!
[Android 2.1+][03.10.2011][v3.2] Chainfire3D [ROOT][OpenGL ES 2.0+]
[2014.05.01][ROOT] Mobile ODIN v4.20
OP Senior Moderator / Senior Recognized Developer - Where is my shirt?
Thanks: 77,014
Getting your device supported
The list of devices currently supported by Mobile ODIN is rather short. Not all devices are created equal, and devices need some work to be supported. Currently I am only considering Samsung devices for future support.
At the minimum, I will need some information from you about your device to figure out the partitions, their layout, and how to flash them. You can gather this information by downloading and installing the app. If your device is not supported, it will offer to make a dump file for you. This will take a while. Post the dump file in this thread.
If you can find a .PIT or .OPS file for your device, please attach it !
If the device has an integrated kernel+recovery, an image running CWM5 or 6 is welcome. If separate kernel and recovery partitions are used, I generally need an original recovery.img
If you are lucky, this will allow me to make your device compatible. It may be required that you do some rather lengthy and extensive testing for me.
Force device detection (v3.80 and newer)
For compatibility testing, it is possible to force Mobile ODIN to detect your device as a different device, by executing the following command in adb shell:
Code:am start -a android.intent.action.MAIN -n eu.chainfire.mobileodin.VERSION/eu.chainfire.mobileodin.core.MainActivity --es forcemodel MODEL
Where VERSION is either lite or pro (depending on what you have installed), and MODEL is the device model identifier.
For example, if I were using Mobile ODIN Pro and wanted my device to be detected as an internationalNote 3 (SM-N9005):
Code:am start -a android.intent.action.MAIN -n --es forcemodel SM-N9005
Note that this is dangerous and you should know what you are doing before attempting this. You might brick your device.
Before reporting success, please make sure you succeeded in flashing an entire stock ROM, including modems!
2011-11-15, 5:45PM
OP Senior Moderator / Senior Recognized Developer - Where is my shirt?
Thanks: 77,014
N9005: Samsung Galaxy Note3 LTE SM-N9005: v5 for 4.3, v7 for 4.4
N900P: Sprint Galaxy Note3 SM-N900P: v6 for 4.3, v7 for 4.4
N900T: T-Mobile Galaxy Note3 SM-N900T: v6 for 4.3, v7 for 4.4
N900R4: US Cellular Galaxy Note3 SM-N900R4: v6 for 4.3, v7 for 4.4
N900W8: Canadia Galaxy Note3 SM-N900W8: v6 for 4.3,v7 for 4.4
Attached Files