With this tool, you can completely backup your device without root or unlocked bootloader.
I have tested it so far only with my Galaxy Nexus, but it should also work with other devices running Android 4.0+.
So you can unlock your bootloader without losing your data.
With version 1.1, not all parts of the program will be downloaded, only the necessary.
The most tools in the "Tools" section are for the Galaxy Nexus, but more devices will follow soon.
Now the final release of v2 is out!
The UI is complete, it's much easier to use.

Tutorial (thanks to AndyCr15)
If you use v1.2.2 you don't need to copy the UBT to platform-tools.
It would be nice if someone would do a tutorial for v2
German Tutorial:*click*
Ultimate Backup Tool v1
Ultimate Backup Tool v1.1
Ultimate Backup Tool v1.2
Ultimate Backup Tool v1.2.1
Ultimate Backup Tool v1.2.2
Ultimate Backup Tool v1.3
Ultimate Backup Tool v1.3.1
Ultimate Backup Tool v1.3.2
mod edit: Using pay per click links is against XDA rule 13
3. Advertising and Income Generation
Commercial advertising, advertising referral links, pay-per-click links and other income generating methods are forbidden. Do not use XDA-Developers as a means to make money.
Mirror link (not always up to date; thanks to chip.de)
ROM Backup Digital Cryptor
Mac OS / Linux
Ultimate Backup Tool v1 (thanks to eyrienne)
mod edit" more pay per click links
ROM Backup Digital Cryptor(Alpha, post bugs below; big thanks to Marijuana Legal/Marijsoft
Initial release
Added download feature
Changeable path for backup
Added "Tools" section
ADB preloads
Added pauses
Added ADB and fastboot check
changed Window size
returning to .bat because some virus scanners have indentified it as malware
Path will now be saved
fixed problem with preloading ADB
added version number
added Option to backup a single app
added CWM for GS2 and GS3
fixed Option 2 to install CWM to Verizon
hopefully fixed the bug with backup functions
changed window size
spelling mistake corrected
advanced ADB and fastboot check (thanks to 2uk3y)
some UI adjustments (thanks to 2uk3y)
recognizes if it runs on x64 or x86
full S2 and S3 support
german translation (thanks to TheMaurice)
added device and version check
added notification if backup has been finished
added device informations
added "Incorrect input" notification to all menus
added pop-ups
fixed a bug with pop-ups
added pop-ups for backups of a single app
fixed a bug with path of backup of a single app
option to capture a problem
added package list
added Galaxy Note support
ADB updated
Fastboot updated
Added rootmethod for Samsung Galaxy S4
Added option to flash zip
Added rootmethod for many devices (Doom4lord4Root)
Updated option to block ads
Added cloudservice box
Added form to report bug in programm
Updated gpubli (google ads)
Add image to cloud (experimental) (save your photo sdcard cloudservice picasa or flikr - only donation***ImageToCloud) in this version zip file folder image and uploading to google drive
Added CloudManager to add upload to your cloud with a application you get if you donate
Added donationbutton (Marijuana Legal don't have a job, he's so sorry)
Fixed language(English language is default)
Fixed update search and download
Fixed Backup/restore list single app
Known problems
Problems with the HTC One series
Problems with Sony devices from 2011
When you have a problem make sure you have correctly installed drivers.
Nobody has donated so far, be the first
Our little team
Gigadroid (Scripting)
Marijuana Legal (GUI for Windows and Mac)