APK Organize For Rename apk
What this software does ?
This software has made from 5 parts.
1. Rename APK
2. Compare APK
3. Find APK from txt
4. APK Batch Installer | Uninstaller
5. Backup | Restore Data
Rename :
1. Add apk files to the list by doing one of the following:
� Double-click apk files in Explorer while the Rename-tab is active
� Drag & Drop from Explorer
� Add single files via �Add APK�
� Add whole directories via �Choose Folder� (Folder history via �▼�)
� Add files from your Phone via �From Phone� (ADB connection needed)
Note: You can sort the list individually by clicking the column headers.
2. Setting the renaming pattern
Set the desired pattern via the Dropdown-menu below the list.
If you want, you can set an individual pattern by using the provided tags.
Note: will use the names provided in the manual rename-list.
For apps that are not the list, the standard label is used�
3. Renaming:
� Select the files you want to be renamed by marking them in the list
� Press �Preview� to see what the files will be named or press �Rename� straight away.
� If you want to send these files to the Compare-tab, right-click on the list and press �Compare�
Monitor :
You can set up a folder for APK Organize to monitor. It will automatically rename all apk files you put in there.
Set up your desired directory and the renaming pattern, then click �Enable� to start the monitoring.
You can now close APK Organize. It will continue to run in system tray.
Check �Auto Start� to start monitoring on windows startup.
You can check what APK Organize is doing by clicking �Logs�
Note: Existing files will not be renamed. Monitoring only works for newly added files�
Newly added apps that already exist will automatically be overwritten.
Check �Ask for overwrite�, if you don�t want that.

Manual Rename :
Sometimes two or more applications have the same label name but are in fact different apps (f.e. Angry Birds).
If you want APK organize to rename any apps differently, you can associate a package name with an individual name.
1. Add apps to this list by doing one of the following:
� Drag & Drop from Explorer
� Add single files via �APK� → �Add�
� Add whole directories via �APK� → �Add from folder�
2. Double-click or press F2 one the corresponding cell in the right column and enter the desired name
3. Save the list anywhere you want via �File� → �Save�.
4. Close the window, go to �Manual Rename� → �Load list� and select the list you have created.
5. Set the renaming pattern to " v" or "".
6. Press �Rename�. APK Organize will now rename the files accordingly. For apps that are not specified in your list, it will use the regular label.
Compare :
1. Choose if you want to compare by file name or by Label name and version from �Search with�
2. Choose the directory to compare to on the top panel. (F.e. your apk archive)
3. Add the new apk files to the list:
� Double-click apk files in Explorer while the Compare-tab is active
� Drag & Drop from Explorer
� Add single files via �Add APK�
� Add whole directories via �Add Folder� (Folder history via �▼�)
4. Press �Scan�. APK Organize will now automatically mark every finding in the bottom list.
5. You can now do the following with the results (or your own markings):
� Delete: Deletes all old files� You will then be asked, what to do with the new files.
� Copy: Copies the new files to the specified directory
� Move: Moves the new files to the specified directory
Note: You can do the above steps for files without results too by right-clicking them.
You can also load an exception list. Files that are on this list will be moved to an exception
folder on the target directory to be organized manually�
Search :
This tab enables you to do operations with a specified list of apps, f.e. if you have to install a bunch of apps after a wipe. If you have to do this very often and the apps are always the same, APK Organize can automate this process for you:
1. Create the list of apps you want to do operations with or select a list via �Select list�, if you have already done one of the steps below.
The list MUST only contain the app�s label names without versionnumber, divided by a linebreak. You can do this by the following:
� Manually add the apps with �Add�, Drag & Drop from Explorer or double-click from Explorer and save it via �Save List� for further use.
� Export a list with ROM Toolbox or any app that is capable of exporting list in the demanded pattern and load it into APK Organize. Make the necessary changes and save the list.
2. Choose the directory where your apk files are stored for the left list.
3. Press �Scan�. APK Organize will now list every finding in the bottom list.
4. Do the operations of your desire via the provided buttons on the bottom.
Install :
Installing apk files:
1. Add apk files to the list by doing one of the following:
� Double-click apk files in Explorer while the Rename-tab is active
� Drag & Drop from Explorer
� Add single files via �Add APK�
� Add whole directories via �Choose Folder� (Folder history via �▼�)
� Add files from your Phone via �From Phone� (ADB connection needed)
2. Press �Install�. APK Organize will now try to install the apps over ADB. See the log, if there are any errors.
Note: You can view details like label, package name and permissions via right-click → Details
�Unknown sources� has to be enabled on your phone to install apk files�
You can sort the lists individually by clicking the column headers.
Uninstalling APK files:
1. Go to �Mode → Uninstaller� and choose, if you want to view the installed apps by label or package name.
2. Select the Apps you want to uninstall by marking them and press �Uninstall�
3. APK Organize will now try to uninstall the apps over ADB. See the log, if there are any errors.
Backup : (Root Needed!)
1. Set the directory you want to store your backups in via �Backup Directory�.
2. Go to �Packages� and choose, if you want to view the installed apps by label or package name, or click �From Directory� to display the backups from your chosen directory.
3. Check �App� and/or �Data� for the apps you want to backup or restore and press �Backup� / �Restore�.
4.APK Organize will now try to complete the task. See the log, if there are any errors.
Notes: If most of the backups/restores fail for you it may be that your ADB daemon is running in secure mode. This can happen on stock kernels, but also on other setups. In that case, try running ADB ROOT (and maybe set it to Auto mode) in APK Organize
For Restores �Unknown sources� has to be enabled on your phone�
You can sort the lists or check/uncheck something for all apps by clicking the column headers.
If you have checked App and Data for an App and it gives an error, try checking �Skip failure for App or Data while backing up both�. It is not necessarily an error, because there just might be no data to back up�
Requirements :
Windows OS ( In video it is windows with Ubuntu Skin

.NET Framework 4
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Test Version
test versions before release stable version
ARA Softwares Translator
if you want translate APK Organize download this tool
Mobile Version
written by Svarion, click to check his XDA thread
Video :

Attached Files

APK Organize 2.0.0.zip - [Click for QR Code] (1.63 MB, 14340 views)
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